Mentalists Attempts to Predict Academy Awards, Vegas Vault Holds Oscar Secrets

According to Alain Nu, the television mentalist billed as The Man Who Knows, the results for the 83rd Academy Awards are locked in a Vegas vault.

Last week at the Palms Casino Resort, Alain Nu, author of "Picture Your ESP!" and star of the TLC Network TV specials "The Mysterious World of Alain Nu," presented his Academy Awards® predictions in a wrapped, sealed and tamper-proof package at a press conference for Oscar Night® America Las Vegas, the only Oscar® viewing party in Nevada officially sanctioned by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Nu's package of predictions was promptly turned over to the Nevada Federal Credit and is now locked away in their vault - not to be opened until the day after the Academy Awards®.

"I believe that people and events are strangely connected by a mysterious energy," said Nu. "Each of us has a super hidden potential which allows us to tap into this energy and even to forecast the future."

Nu said that his Oscar® predictions were not limited only to winners, but also included his prognostications on unusual happenings he forsees at the 83rd Academy Awards®. "Nothing is impossible in my world," said Nu.

In addition to performances on the Vegas Strip, Nu performed at the inaugural balls for Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, plus has entertained many times for former Vice President Al Gore.

Nu plans to attend the Las Vegas Oscar® viewing party and then have his predictions unsealed and opened the following day on "Morning Blend," a live television show broadcast on KTNV-TV 13, the Las Vegas affiliate of the ABC Television Network, which broadcasts the Academy Awards®

Oscar Night® America Las Vegas will be held on Sunday, Feb. 27, 2011, in the Brenden Theaters at the Palms Casino Resort.