48 Hour Film Project seeks new Las Vegas Producer

Filmmakers preparing for the "perfect" shot.
After serving for a year leading the 48 Hour Film Project in Las Vegas, producer Marko Sakren is moving on, leaving a vacancy for the top job. The 48HFP is now seeking a new Las Vegas Producer to begin preparing for the 2011 event.  He or she will be responsible for getting the word out about the 48HFP; reserving movie theaters; running the kickoff & dropoff events, film screenings, and making sure the filmmakers have a good time.  Good organizational, communication, writing, Word, Excel, and email skills are essential.

This is a paid position.  The Las Vegas Producer cannot participate in the 48 Hour Film Project.  The position starts immediately, inn order to prepare for the Las Vegas 48HFP, which will take place April 8-10.

If you're interested, or know someone who is, please submit online here.  48 Hour film officials are only able to respond to applicants' questions about this position, so please do not email general questions.

The 48 Hour Film Project is a wild and sleepless weekend in which filmmakers with a team make a movie—write, shoot, edit and score it—in just 48 hours. On the opening Friday night, contestants are given character, a prop, a line of dialogue and a genre, all to include in their movie. 48 hours later, the movie must be complete. All completed films are then shown at a local theater, the following week.  Last year's entries were screened at the Suncoast Hotel & Casino. In previous years, nearly 40,000 filmmakers made 3,000 films in in 76 cities around the world.


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