Previously named “Best Male Strip Show” by the
Las Vegas
Review-Journal, the 70-minute, fully costumed and choreographed
show will run every Thursday through Sunday at 10:30 p.m.
“We are very excited about bringing American
Storm to
downtown at the Plaza,” said Adam Steck, CEO of SPI Entertainment.
“Since the
revitalization of downtown, we feel that there is an untapped
market of female
show goers that are looking for a fun girl’s night out.”
The cast includes Josh Hall, Tony Cress, Tommy
Gainer, Terry
Cress, Justin Kurtis, and Mike Kelly.
American Storm is produced by SPI
Entertainment, which also
produces the hit shows “Thunder From Down Under,” “Human Nature -
The Ultimate
Celebration of Motown,” “Frank Marino’s Divas Las Vegas,” “Night
School 4
Girls” and “The Australian Bee Gees Show - A Tribute to the Bee